Payment Gateway integration allows you to receive online payment.
You can generate Invoice after sales.
Brochure Cart
Brochure for indivisual products can be saved or printed .
We also allow you to take a Brochure (PDF Version) of the comparison of products and save or print it for future reference.
We provide Print/Save brochure option at the time of Check Out for All products saved in the shopping cart on a single click.
Sales CRM
you can Add & Sell products online.
Payment Gateway integration allows you to receive online payment.
You can generate Invoice after sales.
Brochure Cart
Brochure for indivisual products can be saved or printed .
We also allow you to take a Brochure (PDF Version) of the comparison of products and save or print it for future reference.
We provide Print/Save brochure option at the time of Check Out for All products saved in the shopping cart on a single click.
Announce Offers and create Vouchers:
You can provide offers on different products.
Assign Offer Validity.
Create Gift Vouchers and assign validity.
Varied Search Criteria:
You can search products by category, sub category,brands,most viewed product,most rated products,recently viewed product etc. .
Compare Products
You can compare 6 products at a time from the cateogry to select and an appropriate option.
Create Roles and assign Logins:
You can create many roles and assign innumerable logins.
Send SMS/EMAILs to clients:
You can email clients informing about new offers and products.
You can send sms(bulk) to unlimited clients (existing and potential) at a single go, announcing offers and products.
Free Flash Presentaion:
We provide you with free 30 sec flash presentation on the home page allowing you to highlight your website details .
Dashboard for quick updates:
You are allowed to display important details on dashboard which will appear in the form of gadget. This will help you to view those details at a glance when you login.
Customized product display:
You can decide on how many rows of products will appear on the front-end.
You can also sort categories and subcategories & depending upon
the order,products will be displayed .
Display News/Events/Achievements:
You can decide on how many rows of products will appear on the front-end .
You can also sort categories and subcategories
& depending upon the order,products will be